zondag 25 mei 2014

With a little understanding - part II

Hi guys! 

I was out of blogging for almost two weeks, I work and the last ten days I got home so late and I was to tired, I didn't have the courage to write a new blog post, I'm sorry.

But here I am, back for more!

As I was telling you before, I used to have the weirderst neighbour ever.

Here is part II of my story:

After a few weeks living in my new studio, I started realizing his reaction was not the only weirdest thing about him...

One day, my sister and her husband brought a little visit. We were just relaxing, while, suddenly we felt how the floor was shaking. We heard loud music coming from the other side of the hallway and an enthusiastic voice screaming "yoohoo!"
After a few minutes we realized my neighbor was practising the "Jumping" dance on Flemish Schlager music. Really, explain to me, how can anyone actually jump on this kind of music? 

 My sister couldn't stop laughing but I wasn't. I was freaked out and scared. I moved out to this studio to have some rest, not to enjoy concerts of Jumping Jack over there.

During the following months, my landlord (who lived in the appartement under me by the way), told me some interesting details about my neighbor.. He have had some mental issues, but now, he was doing great, she told me. I did like my neighbor, because he was really nice and friendly, but I wasn't really able to communicate with him. We were living in the same building, but obviously we were living in a different world. 
Every friday night, he had a kind of "routine". First, I could hear him watching porn (mind the details), then he was giving one of his famous dance show, and finally, I could hear him performing sport with a lovely young lady that was payed to do that. 
(cfr. The Weekly Landlord Reports). 
Once, I found him sleeping in front of my door, another time he came to ask me if I had seen a shell that had fallen off his shell ornament, and another time I caught him sniffing at my door in the middle of the night!

.. and then, one day...

He just dissapeared. For two months, he didn't come home. I was kind of relieved, but a bit worried as well. Okay, he was definitely crazy in the coconut, but after all, he was a good, sincere guy. After two months, I was being told his family found my neighbor in Spain, broke and not having a idea how he got there..

Wanna read more? Check out this blog soon for Part III



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